Vintage Ads

Considering my aims for this brief I had to really have a good look at some vintage advertising and the style of it. Unlike today where advertising can be selling an idea, a cause, media and everything in between, yester-year's advertising was almost completely product-driven and it was EVERYWHERE.

During and after WWII the advertising was very optimistic, it sold the idea of a happy family as much as it did a product, this is apparent when you see the amount of good looking models in the photography based posters - depicting the perfect housewife, the hard working husband and the playful children.

The ads usually went with bright and pastel colours and had a textured look to them, although this was also due to the printing technology available at the time.

The Four images above are vintage styled designs but have been made recently, but they still portray the style I am describing so I put them in anyway

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