packaging ads

The packaging ads were fairly simple to make, the problem was setting up the lighting for the photos.

I simply took a 'group photo' of the four boxes together with their respective sweets, and done some individually.

After some editing, I added the logo and some captions for the posters. and voila

I can no longer look at strawberry laces

So I tried several times at making the ribbon shape of the logo out of strawberry laces, after several attempts it turned out pretty good. Still some editing and colour correction needed but I am happy with the photos

After doing this I got an assorted bundle of sweets and placed them about randomly against a plain background

I edited out the backgrounds in photoshop, dropped in the logo text and added all the images together. ultimately getting my first poster

Ad series

For the advertising series I wanted to show off both the new packaging and sweets, so people can feel nostalgic just looking at the ads, and want to view the website.

The first Idea was fairly simple; show the boxes with sweets surrounding them, letting the viewer quickly see what the service was and how they could get their own sweets.

The second was to make an ad out of sweets, by creating the logo or spelling the website out of sweets, such as the poster made by samuel mensa-bonsu


finally finished constructing the packaging, 1 for each category (boiled & Crunchy, Fizzy & sour, Chocolate heaven, Chewy & soft)
The boxes were made on a GF smith colorplan 270gsm paper with a cord embossing.

Side labels

I know that the strips around the box do not have a strong enough presence by their own, so I have created labels for the side of each box which helps identify the category of sweets, and there is a check list for the packager to tick off what sweets are inside the box. The other side of the box will be reserved for a shipping label. The addition of the side labels helps the mail order concept work much more effectively


After a few variations I think I have the final versions of the wrap around ribbon for the packaging ready. I have strengthened the colour of both the watercolour and the stripes, and the black logo against the colour strips create a good contrast. hopefully it will work well against the packaging

Logo colour accents

To go with the different coloured strips I changed the pinstripe colour on the logo for each different category, so to continue the theme of the categories into the logo.

The colours are stronger than the watercolour strips so they can stand out against them